The group of adsorption semiconductor sensors
Our group has been working at Chemical Department of Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University since 2000, engaged in creation and study of adsorption-semiconductor sensors and catalytic study of sensor materials. The team consists of specialists majoring in chemistry, physics of semiconductors, design engineering, electronic engineering, nanotechnology. Previously, the group worked in The Institute of Gas Analytical Devices of Ukraine. Various adsorption semiconductor gas sensors (sensitive to hydrogen sulphide, chlorine, methane, ammonia, ethanol fumes, hydrogen, acetone, etc.) and sensor-based devices have been created and evaluated by specialists of this group. Some of the obtained results were applied in practice, in particular:
- sensors of hydrogen sulphide substituted Japanese analogues in GH-120 and AG-2000 signalizators (Japan) operated at oil-rigs (Kazakhstan);
- in cooperation with specialists of “Radiozavod” (Kiev), a gas signalyzer for detection of CH4 leaks in a car was developed based of our methane sensor;
- in cooperation with specialists of “Radiozavod” (Kiev) and the engineering center "Spectechnika", device "ALKOTEST" for testing alcohol vapor in driver's breath was made on the base of our alcohol sensors. Design documentation for this device was developed. Testing content of alcohol in human breath using "ALCOTEST" was carried out in collaboration with Road Police Inspection Service of Ukraine.
- household device for testing purity of air in living premises was created on the base of CH4 sensor;
- Device "ACETOTEST" for detecting acetone in breath of patients with diabetics was created based on our acetone sensor . Together with researchers from the Institute of Endocrinology of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, study of correlation between the contents of acetone in blood and breath of diabetics was carried out. Calibration of the device was done in order to meet requirements of medical test protocol;
- sensor for detection of low-molecular hydrocarbons was developed during the course of the project STCU 840. The device GAZTEST for detecting gas leaks from underground pipeline without unearthing was created. Together with experts of the service center KIEVGAZ beta tests of the device was carried out and the positive response about the device was received. In cooperation with specialists of the Center of Ground Space Researches of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the device was used for searching and identifying places of leakage of natural gas in Carpathian mountains (Borislav, Schidnitsia), and in the sea of Azov (in cooperation with scientists of Institute of Geology of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
- in the course of the project STCU 1589, the gas analysis device for malfunction diagnosis of high-voltage transformers was created on the basis of the fast sensor with the improved sensitivity to gases (СН4, С2Н6, С2Н4, С2Н2, Н2 and СО) dissolved in the transformer oil.